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Monday, 16 May 2011

Rainning Text Effects Animation

In this flash lesson, You will see how to create raining text animation using the Adobe After Effects and Flash. This animation you can use for any web banner or for some presentation. You don't have to use action script code to make this lesson. Let's start!


Step 1

Create a new after effects composition. Set the Width of Your composition to 300 and Height to 200 px. For Preset set Custom, for Pixel Aspect Ratio set Square Pixels and set the Frame Rate to 28 fps.

Step 2

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (Ctrl+T) and type any text on the Stage. See the picture below!

Step 3

Choose Window > Effects&Presets (Ctrl+5).

Step 4

In the Effects&Presets Panel choose Animation Presets > Text >  Animate In > Raining...aracters In. See the picture below!

Step 5
Using the Selection Tool (V) and drag and drop technique, move the Raining...aracters In effect from Effects&Presets panel on the text on the stage.

Step 6

Choose now File > Export > Adobe Flash (Swf).

Step 7

Create a new flash document. Set the Width of Your document to 300 and Height to 200 px. Set Black color as background color and set the Frame Rate to 28 fps.

Step 8

Create a new Movie Clip (Ctrl+F8) and name it RainingText.

Step 9

Call the current layer raining text.

Step 10

Choose now File > Import > Import to Stage (Ctrl+R) and Import a swf file that we just made in After Effects.

Step 11

Select now the Last Keyframe and go to the AS panel (F9). Then, enter this code inside the actions panel:


Step 12

Go back on the main stage (Scene 1). After that, drag the Text Movie Clip from the Flash Library on the Flash Stage using the Selection Tool (V) and drag and drop technique.

Step 13

Click now on frame 275 (last keyframe of animation) and hit F6 key.

That's it!

Test your text animation and enjoy!

Download source file (.fla)

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